Reference Amplifier Model RAM 285
Offered here exclusively by Bob Carver. THE ONLY SOURCE for genuine Bob Carver products.
Enjoy our Carver Amplifier Challenge. Listen to the RAM285 for 30 days in your system at home, compared to others . If the RAM285 is not the best you have heard, return it for a full refund with NO-restocking fees deducted.
We are committed to 100% customer satisfaction. The Carver Amplifier Challenge delivers honest results customers can rely on. We prefer that Bob Carver customers have time to enjoy our product in their system at home to judge the best sounding amplifier for themselves.
Each RAM285 sale puts Bob Carver in direct competition with a wide range of products from low cost to very high cost. With our policy, customer satisfaction comes first. Our customers can not lose, knowing from first hand experience in their system that they have chosen the best.
"The RAM 285 is the culmination of my decades of research in the field of designing amplifiers to sound their very best. I really can't imagine anyone designing an amplifier that sounds better."
-Bob Carver-
After a company having license to build Bob Carver designs closed during the challenging COVID period in 2021. Bob Carver returned from retirement once again. Bob formed Bob Carver LLC in 2022 to produce the greatest legacy products of arguably the most prolific, world famous audio designer of our time. The RAM 285 is our 1st legacy product. We are proud to share its captivating, immersive performance with you in your home, so you can compare to others, Risk Free. The RAM 285 is no longer available. After more than one year in development, the RAM 285 will earn it's position in your system with it's captivating and immersive sonic performance. We guarantee it. Carver innovation delivers the pinnacle of audiophile vacuum tube amplifier performance, while effectively solving the tube amp inconveniences of the past. Introducing the RAM 285. 13 reasons why the RAM 285 is the best in class and why to hear one for yourself in your system at home. 1. Unrivaled soundstage and imaging presentation that can far exceed the scale of the listening room confinements for a captivating and therapeutic 'you are there' listening experience within the comfort and safety of your home. 2. The "listening to the room" circuit uses the back EMF (feedback) signal from the loudspeakers transducer responce as microphones to render consistantly immersive soundstage and imaging details within less than perfect room conditions and shapes. 3. The DC Restorer circuit extends tube life for decades before degradation begins. Declining tube performance and costly tube replacements are no longer reasons to miss out on the luxurious sound of vacuum tube audio. 4. 5 year tube warranty, 20x the industry standard of 90 days. 5. Low heat output means less energy wasted as heat, keeping your room comfortable while eliminating burn risk to children or pets. 6. Powerful, textured bass response without bass frequency rolloff or smearing. 7. The RAM 285 provides a flat frequency responce at full power from below 18 Hz to past 20KHz w/n only +- 1 db. 8. Lowest noise tube amp design with a signal to noise ratio exceeding 100 for quiet backgrounds when paired with efficient speakers. 9. Simultaneously high voltage and high current design using the highest voltage power supply we know of in consumer audio for wide voltage swings and high dynamic headroom. 10. The RAM will drive power hungry speakers like Magnepans to a glorious performance. In fact we use Magnepan speakers for the listening test of every RAM285 before leaving Bob Carver Company. 11. Our team of manufacturing engineers have leveraged state of the art technology in CAD and computer simulation to enable the very best performance from Bob's brilliant designs and guard against the effects of EMI, high voltage creep and other causes of noise and lost performance in lesser designs. 12. The RAM 285 is Bob Carver design genius combined with the latest in aerospace manufacturing engineering methodes and materials, delivering the finest audiophile sonics of vacuum tubes, without the vintage compromises. 13. Your Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed with our 30 day in home trial offer. Click on 'STORE' above or call 815-985-3557
The review of the RAM 285 by Steve Guttenberg the Audiophiliac!
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